Marquette Place Use Guidelines

Alumni Memorial Union Marquette Place Programming

The AMU Marquette Place is a visible, high traffic area, making it an ideal location to host an event. When using this space for programming, please adhere to the guidelines described below.

University Departments, recognized and approved Student Organizations, as well as approved off campus users may utilize the Marquette Place space. Student Organizations must have prior approval of the event from the AMU Student Engagement Office 10 working days prior to the event day. All requests for this space, as well as all event details, must be approved by and planned with a full-time event coordinator in the Alumni Memorial Union Event Services Office. Customers will be provided with a writing confirmation to confirm their reservation for this space.

Approval for use of the Marquette Place will be considered on a per event basis in consultation with AMU leadership, and may be limited to events beginning after 6:00 p.m. on Fridays and all day Saturday and Sunday until 6:00 p.m.

Guidelines for ALL Marquette Place Programming/Events

Guidelines During Regular Business Hours

Guidelines Outside of Regular Business Hours: