Accessing Accommodations

In order to receive accommodations, students must follow the process summarized below:

Enrolled students with disabilities may be eligible to receive reasonable modifications to policies/procedures that enable them to access University programs. To engage in that process, a student must:


1. Provide appropriate documentation to the Office of Disability Services (ODS).

To assist with this process, we have provided possible Documentation Forms to be completed by a health care provider. An appropriately licensed care provider can use these forms, but can submit the same information in a different format if available. Appropriate documentation contains a statement identifying the student’s specific diagnosed medical/mental health condition(s) that relates to the need for accommodation; a statement of the major life functions that are impaired by this condition, and a statement of how that affects their access to Marquette University programming. Care providers are encouraged to suggest accommodations that may mitigate the effects of a student’s disability, allowing them equal access. See below for more information.

Documentation can be submitted to, faxed to 414-288-5799, or dropped off at our office in Room 524 of the 707 Building.


2. Once received, ODS staff will review the submitted documentation, and will contact the student with next steps.

Often this is either setting up a time to discuss reasonable accommodations, or guidance on additional documentation that is needed to proceed with this process.


3. Meet with ODS staff PRIOR to the need for requested accommodations.

 Typically at this meeting, student and staff will: 

      1. Discuss and confirm appropriate and reasonable accommodations related to their documented disability. 
      2. Review next steps in working with instructors to receive accommodations in each course or elsewhere on campus.

4. Notify instructors of accommodations via AccessODS


5. Discuss classroom needs with the instructor.

We recommend having these discussions during office hours or in a one-on-one meeting with the instructor. Actively engaging with each instructor who will be providing accommodations is essential to ensuring that those accommodations are coordinated appropriate. Failure to discuss accommodations with an instructor may lead impede this process.


6. Alert ODS representatives if accommodations are not working or do not meet your needs.

*Faculty are allotted up to one week to implement any accommodations after receiving and discussing an accommodations letter*


Accessing Accommodations Video Guides:

*For students who have already arranged accommodations with ODS

Accommodations FAQ

Where do I go if I want to explore accommodations for my disability?

What is disability documentation and how do I get it?

Why doesn't Marquette automatically provide me a IEP/504 plan like I received in high school?

When do I seek accommodations?

How are accommodations determined?

How will I know what accommodations I receive?

Who will know about my disability?

What if I choose to wait until later in the semester to ask for accommodations?


Notifying/ Working with Instructors

How will my instructors know what my accommodations are?

What if my instructor has questions about my accommodations that I can’t answer?

 Can my instructors require me to attend class the same as my peers?

Can my instructor require that homework or research assignments be submitted by published due dates?


Resolving problems or concerns with accommodations

What if my accommodations are not working for me?


Accommodations or needs outside of the classroom

What if I need accommodations outside of the classroom?

What if I think or someone suggests I might possess a disability?


Other frequently asked questions

What role will my parents have in determining my accommodations at Marquette?

If I plan to continue my education after I graduate, can I retrieve my documentation from ODS?


Specific procedures for students in Law or Dental School

Why is there a specific process for Law students?

How does the accommodations process work if I’m accepted into the Law School?