Group Discussion - Restrict topic and separate threads

Follow the instructions below if you would like to set up group discussion boards for a group category (all groups) or section. Students will only be able to see their own group members' or section members' threads. Instructors can filter by group or section to check for group participation.

Restrict Topic to Groups

  1. Navigate to Communication tab and select Discussions.
  2. Find the topic and select Edit Topic from the drop-down menu.
  3. Expand the arrow for Availability Dates & Conditions and select Manage Restrictions.
  4. Select Restrict topic and separate the threads
  5. Expand the list by clicking the arrow next to the group name.
  6. Select the group category or section for students to reply and respond to only their group members or section class list.
  7. Select the Add button.
  8. Click Save and Close.

Video Walkthrough

Set up group discussion using the default setting: Restrict topic and separate threads.