Recovery at Marquette

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We have a new home! Visit us in the Recovery Resource Center (Room 302 in the Wellness + Helfaer Recreation building, located at 525 N 16th St)

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The Marquette Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) offers on-campus recovery support and programming in a peer-based setting for Marquette students in recovery from substance use concerns. That support looks like the following, with additional information below: 


Mission: To support Marquette students in recovery from substance use concerns in order to build community, promote healing and holistic health, and to help students reach their full potential. 

Vision: A recovery-supportive campus rooted in wellness where students can pursue both their recovery and their education.


To learn more, please email Tim Rabolt, Collegiate Recovery Program Manager, at

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Who is the program for?

What is recovery?

When and where are the recovery meetings?

What is Recovery Coaching and how do I sign up?

How can I stay in the loop?

What else can I do to help?

How can I make a donation?


Here are a list of recovery resources external to Marquette, both local and national: 

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To learn more, please email Tim Rabolt, Collegiate Recovery Program Manager, at

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