Merry Christmas

Dear Marquette family and friends, 

Despite 2020 being the most uncertain year that we probably have ever experienced, we must take great comfort in the certainty that it will end exactly like all other years we have lived: celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Our beautiful Christmas video this year features College of Health Sciences senior Ariana Madson and offers a reminder of many familiar places on campus.

May we all take to heart this song’s message of letting peace on Earth “begin with me.” It could be as simple as setting aside a few minutes for personal reflection to find inner peace with the realities we are facing. Even though we can’t come together in traditional ways this Christmas, I know that Marquette alumni, students, faculty and staff are resourceful and will find unique ways to celebrate the season.  

Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday to you.

Dr. Michael R. Lovell
Marquette University

P.S. Here is an example of a unique way to celebrate the season: the Marquette University Advent Calendar.