The Enron Fiasco
1. Citizenworks Finacial Scandals Page
Contains the corporate scandal sheet in which a number of financial scandals including Enron are listed alphabetically. The Enron listing contains a link to a report titled “The Role of the Board of Directors in Enron’s collapse” prepared by the United States Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.
Covers all the facets
of this scandal Its coverage of the scandal extends right from its inception
to the very latest developments. It gives us a chronological understanding of
the fiasco, a basic understanding of the major factors involved, the political
chicanery, the bankruptcy, the investigation, the prosecution, pertinent information
and links to the Enron and Anderson websites. The resources include videos,
photographs and introductions to the major players, financial statements, committee
reports and legal documents.
Discusses in detail
the role of the major players in the scandal – Arthur Anderson LLP, Bush
and his cabinet, Congress, Enron itself and Wall Street and the banks. It provides
links to very important resources which include articles from the Washington
Post and the New York Times.
Contains a background, a list of characters involved and important research links that are pertinent to the scandal. The research links contains links to the New York Times, the BBC, C-SPAN and PBS which include both audio and video resources.
6. CNN page
A close look at the scandal through the eyes of CNN. Contains a video timeline covering all the major events of the scandal through video footage.
Includes transcripts
and audio recordings of the talks given by important speakers like the former
CEO of Enron, Jefffrey Skilling and the former CEO of Anderson worldwide, Joe
Berardino on the scandal. Contains editorials and research done by websites
on the scandal as well as links to reports by the Guardian, the BBC and the
Financial Times.
8. Leslie Feinberg essay (Socialist workers)
An essay which reflects on the implications of the scandal for the laws of the capitalist economy in general.
9. CNN Video of Arthur Andersen CEO comments on Enron and Links
A description of the South Sea Bubble scandal which led to a market crash in England in 1720. There are some interesting parallels with the dynamics of Enron
13. Western Illinois University Enron History and links
14. 'Less than zero' citizens for tax justice report on Enron's tax payments
15. The Dabhol Power plant in India. An account of the case by Monitor.Net