Susan Jollie and Meredith Gillespie

Visit with mentor offers inside glimpse at careers in Washington, D.C.

By Arts mentee Meredith Gillespie
(Mentor Susan Jollie, Arts '72 and retired attorney; Washington, D.C.)

Last month, I traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with my mentor, Susan Jollie. The trip was made possible thanks to the generous donors through the MUAA Mentor Program. It was incredibly helpful both professionally and personally in discerning what is next for me after graduation, as well as where I hope to further my education in the next few years.

Susan and I have been speaking often for some time, however, being together helped our relationship grow and deepen tremendously. Her insight and advice regarding law school and what it is like to work in both law and policy helped expand my perception of the legal sector and what I could do with a law degree. She introduced me to several people throughout the trip, including her friend Joanne, who has worked as an attorney in the D.C. area for decades.

She and Susan were very open and honest about the benefits and struggles of earning a law degree, particularly now as the field is so saturated.

Susan also introduced me to other close professional contacts outside of the immediate legal realm, including her friends Mary, Alice, and John, who work in the Government Accountability Office, US Department of Health and Human Services, and private lobbying, respectively. Finally, we visited the Hill to meet with two congressional staffers who gave valuable insight on what it is like to work within Congress.        

I cannot speak highly enough of my experience with Susan. She was so generous with her time, resources, and networks, all of which helped me give context and familiarity to the D.C. area and what it is like to work around the legal, public, and private sectors. This year and visit have been so helpful and eased my nerves surrounding graduation and what will come next.

Susan’s professional support and willingness to connect me with others has given me the confidence to pursue opportunities in the D.C. area. I feel very lucky and I could not have imagined the trip going any better.



2018-19 MUAA Mentor Program Resource Guide

2018-19 MUAA Mentor Program Resource Guide


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