Mentee goes Hollywood to visit mentor actor

A family trip to the West Coast during break wasn’t only an opportunity to enjoy warmer temperatures for Communication mentee Dan O’Keefe. He also planned a special meeting with his mentor, Pat Finn ’88 and actor in Hollywood, Calif. While the two have had several phone conversations during their partnership in MUAA Mentor Program, an in-person meeting in California was especially beneficial, according to Dan.

Dan O'Keefe and Pat Finn, MUAA Mentor Program “The meet-up with Pat provided a great deal of insight toward my (hopefully) future career,” he says. “We spoke about a variety of topics, like living in Los Angeles and the entertainment industry.”

Pat appreciated the time to meet Dan as well as his parents. “We spent nearly two hours discussing the process of business as well as my life after Marquette,” says Pat. “It was also nice to meet his parents and answer their questions and concerns about Dan’s career plans. I offered to have them contact me in the future, too.”  




2018-19 MUAA Mentor Program Resource Guide

2018-19 MUAA Mentor Program Resource Guide


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