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Preparing the IT leaders of tomorrow. That’s what we’re doing in today’s hot job markets of analyzing big data and information assurance and cyber defense. We’ve established specializations in these areas, and we can position you to succeed in these exciting, growing fields.
Information assurance and cyber defense is critical to the success of today’s organizations. Our course components can help you learn to reduce or stop the ever-growing and changing risks to military, government, non-profit and business institutions. The national information infrastructure is threatened with identity and intellectual property theft, unlawful access to information, and threats to privacy and infrastructure security. The range of topics in the course components includes forming realistic cybersecurity defense programs and evaluating and applying best practices to address security issues in the areas of networks, databases, and computing.
Understanding and analyzing the volume, variety and velocity of data is an emerging occupation. Local, regional and national businesses, as well as government agencies, have a strong need to examine the data they own and link it with external data to drive better business decisions. The course components include analyzing and managing data, visualization techniques, and machine learning technologies to present, analyze and predict short-term and long-term trends.
These are careers in which you will be in demand professionally, will be driven by purpose and can solve immediate problems.
Several financial assistance options are available.
To learn more about our programs, send us a note and we’ll be in touch.