Marquette University and the 2024 Republican National Convention

As an engaged member of the Milwaukee community for the past 143 years, Marquette University is committed to supporting bipartisan efforts that bring economic development and positive reputational advancements to our region – and research has proven that hosting a major political convention will do just that. We look forward to working with non-partisan and bipartisan partners throughout the city to ensure Milwaukee is positively represented on the national and international stage, both leading up to and during the convention.   

A Convention Steering Committee was created to make programmatic, operational and revenue generation decisions related to the convention through a centralized process. 

Milwaukee has never hosted a major political convention, and history has proven that doing so will have far-reaching effects in terms of access to campus, security, economic impact, revenue generation and national visibility. The university seeks to maximize the positive effects for our students and our campus as Milwaukee takes the national stage.