Frequently Asked Questions for Students

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What is service learning?

Will I get a grade for doing community service?

What kind of service would I do?

How much time will the service take?

What if I am absent or need to change the day and time of my service?

How is this different from volunteer work?

How do I sign up?

What is a student coordinator?

What happens after I register?

Can I find my own placement instead of using one of the "official ones"?

How will I get to my service site?

Will I be safe if I go off campus to do service learning?

What if I start my service and don't like it?

What if I enjoy my site and its mission but feel like I am not being fully utilized or given an appropriate role within the agency?

How can service learning be used in professional development?

How does service learning relate to Marquette's Jesuit values?

How does service learning connect to Marquette's Four Pillars of Excellence? 


If you have addition questions, please ask: