Alexander Golitzin
Bibliography on Eastern Orthodox Mysticism and Spirituality
I. Introduction: Some Standard Works on Eastern Spirituality
Louis Bouyer, A History of Christian Spirituality, Vol. I: The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers, and III: Orthodox Spirituality and Protestant and Anglican Spirituality, tr. M. P. Ryan (2nd printing, NY:1982).
Olivier Clément, The Roots of Christian Mysticism: Text and Commentary, tr. T. Berkeley (NY:1995).
Lev Gillet (A Monk of the Eastern Church), Orthodox Spirituality: An Outline of the Orthodox Ascetical and Mystical Tradition, 2nd ed., reprint (London:1980)
Irenée Hausherr, "Les grands courants de la spiritualité orientale", Orientalia christiana periodica1 (1935) 114-138.
Bernard McGinn, John Meyendorff, Jean Leclercq, Jill Rait, Louis Dupres, Don Saliers, editors, Christian Spirituality, three volumes: Origins to the Twelfth Century; High Middle Ages and Reformation, and Post-Reformation and Modern (NY:1989, 1987, 1991, resp). [Articles pertaining to Eastern spirituality are included in each volume.]
Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, and Michael Peterson, Historical Dictionary of the Orthodox Church (Lanham, MD/London:1996) [includes brief definitions of key terms and sketches of central persons and places]
Archimandrite Sophrony, On Prayer, tr. Rosemary Edmonds (NY:1998)
Tomaš Špidlik, The Spirituality of the Christian East, tr. Anthony Gythiel (Kalamazoo:1986) [quite the best single handbook available, comprehensive analysis of terms and ideas,excellent bibliography, if now a little dated]
Archimandrite Hierotheos Vlachos, Orthodox Psychotherapy: The Science of the Fathers, tr.Esther Williams (Levadia, Greece:1994)
Bishop Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Way (Crestwood, NY:rev. ed. 1998)
II. Scripture, Asceticism/Mysticism, Jewish Apocalyptic, and Early Christianity
A. Source Texts
Bible with Deuterocanonical Books
R. Cameron and A. J. Daley, ed., The Cologne Mani Codex (P.Colon.inv.ab 4780): "Concerning
the Origin of his Body, SBL Texts and Translations 15 (Missoula, MT:1979).
Clement of Alexandria, see Henry Chadwick, tr. and ed., Alexandrian Christianity (Philadelphia:1954), 15-164.
James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, 2 volumes (NY:1983)
F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker, tr., Philo, The Loeb Classical Library, 10 volumes.
J. B. Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers (rep., Grand Rapids:1980) [archaizing translation, but
useful for its collection, including Ignatius, the Martyrdom of Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermas, etc.].
Origen of Alexandria, Origen: An Exhortation to Martyrdom, Prayer, and Selected Works, tr. and introduction, Rowan A. Greer (NY:1979).
James R. Robinson, general ed., The Nag Hammadi Library (2nd ed. revised, San Francisco:1990).
Wilhelm Schneemelcher, ed., New Testament Apocrypha, tr. R. McL. Wilson (2nd ed., revised, Cambridge/Louisville:1990/91), two volumes.
Geza Vermes, tr. and ed., The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, 3rd revised and augmented ed. (Peguin Books, 1990).
Vincent L. Wimbush, ed., Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook (Minneapolis:1990)
B. Selected Studies
Antonio Acerbi, L'Ascensione di Isaia: Christologia e profetismo in Siria nei primi decenni del II Secolo (Milan:1989)
Gary Anderson, "Celibacy or Consummation in the Garden? Reflections on Early Jewish and Christian Interpretation of the Garden of Eden", Harvard Theological Review 82.2 (1989) 121-148.
Rudolf Arbesmann, "Fasting and Prophecy in Pagan and Christian Antiquity", Traditio 7 (1949/51) 1-71
Joseph Baumgarten, "The Book of Elchesai and Merkabah Mysticism", Journal for the Study of Judaism 17.2 (1986) 212-223.
-----------------------, "The Qumran Sabbath Shirot and the Rabbinic Tradition", Revue de Qumran 13 (1988) 199-213.
Sebastian P. Brock, "Clothing Metaphors as a Means of Theological Expression in Syriac Tradition", in Typus, Symbol, Allegorie bei den östlichen Vätern und ihren Parallelen im Mittelalter, ed. Margo Schmidt and C. F. Geyer (Regensburg:1982) 11-38
James H. Charlesworth, ed., Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls (NY:1992)
Ira Chernus, Mysticism in Rabbinic Judaism: Studies in the History of Midrash (Berlin/NY: 1982)
R. E. Clements, God and the Temple (Philadelphia:1965)
John J. Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity (NY:1984).
----------------- and Michael Fishbane, editors, Death, Ecstasy, and Otherworldly Journeys (Albany:1995)
Stephen L. Cross, Prophecy and Apocalypticism: The Post-Exilic Social Setting (Minneapolis:1995).
Henri Crouzel, Origène et la conaissance mystique (Toulouse:1961)
----------------, "Origène, précurseur du monachisme", Théologie de la vie monastique (Paris:1961) 15-58
Jean Daniélou, The Theology of Jewish Christianity, tr. J. A. Baker (London/Philadelphia:1964)
April DeConick, Seek to See Him: Ascent and Vision Mysticism in the Gospel of Thomas (Leiden:1996)
J. A. Fitzmeyer, "Glory Reflected in the Face of Christ (2 Cor 3:7-4:6) and a Palestinian Jewish Motif", Theological Studies 42 (1981) 630-644.
Jarl Fossum, The Image of the Invisible God: Essays on the Influence of Jewish Mysticism on
Early Christology (Freiburg/Göttingen:1995)
Steven D. Fraade, "Ascetical Aspects of Ancient Judaism", Jewish Spirituality I:253-288.
W. H. C. Frend, Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church (Garden City, NY:1967)
Arthur Green, ed., Jewish Spirituality, vol. I:From the Bible through the Middle Ages (NY:1988)
Ithmar Gruenwald, Apocalyptic and Merkabah Mysticism (Leiden:1980)
---------------------, "Manicheanism and Judaism in Light of the Cologne Mani Codex", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphie 50 (1983) 29-45
Antoine Guillaumont, Aux origines du monachisme chrétien (Bellefontaine:1979) [several valuable essays on the Jewish background to Christian monasticism]
David Halperin, Faces of the Chariot: Early Jewish Responses to Ezekiel's Vison (Tübingen: 1988)
Richard A. Horsely with John S. Hanson, Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus (San Francisco:1985)
Moshe Idel, "Enoch is Metatron", Immanuel 24/25 (1990) 220-240
Werner Jaeger, Early Christianity and Greek Paideia (Cambridge, MA:1962)
Reuven Kimmelman, "Rabbi Yohanan and Origen on the Song of Songs: A Third Century Jewish-Christian Disputation", Harvard Theological Review 73.3-4 (1980) 567-595.
R. A. Kraft, "The Pseudepigrapha in Christianity", in John C. Reeves, ed., Tracing the Threads:
Studies in the Vitality of Jewish Pseudepigrapha (Atlanta:1994) 55-86
Georg Kretschmar, "Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Ursprung frühchristlicher Askese", Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 64 (1961) 27-67.
----------------------, Studien zur frühchristlichen Trinitätstheologie (Tübingen:1956)
Jon Levenson, "The Jerusalem Temple in Devotional and Visionary Experience", Jewish Spirituality I:32-61.
Wayne A. Meeks, The Prophet King: Moses Traditions and Johannine Christology (Leiden:1967)
Tryggve N. D. Mettinger, The Dethronement of Sabaoth: Studies in the Shem and Kabod Theologies (Lund:1982)
Françoise Morard, "Monachos, Moine. Histoire du terme jusqu'au IVe siècle", Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 20 (1973) 332-411
C. R. A. Morray-Jones, "Paradise Revisited (2 Cor 12:1-12): The Jewish Mystical Background of Paul's Apostolate", Harvard Theological Review 86 (1993) 177-217 and 265-292
---------------------------, "Transformational Mysticism in the Apocalyptic-Merkabah Tradition", Journal of Jewish Studies 43 (1992) 1-31
A. A. Moses, Matthew's Transfiguration Story and Jewish-Christian Controversy (Sheffield:1996)
Domingo Muñoz-Leon, Gloria de la Shekina en los Targumim del Penteteuco (Madrid:1977)
Robert Murray, "Disaffected Judaism and Early Christianity: Some Predisposing Factors", in To See Us as Others See Us (Chico:1985) 263-281.
------------------, "An Exhortation to Candidates for Ascetical Vows at Baptism in the Ancient Syrian Church", New Testament Studies 21 (1974) 59-80
Peter Nagel, Die Motivierung der Askese in der alten Kirche und der Ursprung des Mönchtums (Berlin:1966)
Carey C. Newman, Paul's Glory Christology: Tradition and Rhetoric (Leiden/NY:1992)
George W. Nickelsberg and John J. Collins, editors, Ideal Figures in Ancient Judaism (Chico:1980)
Martha C. Nussbaum, Therapy and Desire: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics (Princeton:1994)
Gilles Quispel, "Ezekiel 1:26 in Jewish Mysticism", Vigiliae christianae 34 (1980) 1-13
----------------, "The Asclepius: From the Hermetic Lodge in Alexandria to the Greek Eucharist and the Roman Mass", in R. van den Broek and J. Hauegraf, editors, Gnosis and Hermetism from Antiquity to Modern Times (Albany:1998) 69-78
----------------, "The Study of Encratism: A Historical Survey", La Tradizione dell'Enkrateia,
ed. Hugo Bianci (Rome:1985) 35-81
Michael Ramsey, The Glory of God and the Transfiguration of Christ (London:1949, rep.1967)
Aline Rousselle, Porneia: On Desire and the Body in Late Antiquity, tr. Felicia Pheasant
(Oxford/Cambridge MA:1993)
Christopher Rowland, The Open Heaven: A Study of Apocalyptic in Judaism and Early Christianity (NY:1982)
Gershom Scholem, Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and the Talmudic Tradition (NY:1960)
Alan Segal, Paul the Convert: Apostolate and Apostasy of Saul the Pharisee (New Haven:1990)
Wilhelm F. Smelik, "On the Mystical Tranformation of the Righteous into Light in Judaism", Journal for the Study of Judaism 27.2 (1995) 122-144
Mark S. Smith, "'Seeing God' in the Psalms: The Background to the Beatific Vision in the Bible",
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50 (1988) 171-183
Morton Smith, "Observations on Hekalot Rabbati", in Biblical and Other Studies, ed. A. Altman
(Cambridge MA:1963) 142-160
Guy G. Stroumsa, "Form(s) of God: Some Notes on Metatron and Christ", Harvard Theological Review 76.3 (1983) 269-288
---------------------, Hidden Wisdom: Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism (Leiden:1996)
James Tabor, Things Unutterable: Paul's Ascent to Heaven in its Greco-Roman, Judaic, and Early Christian Contexts (Lanham, MD:1986)
Jean Marcel Vincent, "Aspekte der Begegnung mit Gott im alten Testament: Die Erfahrung der göttlichen Gegenwart im Schauen Gottes", Revue biblique 103 (1996) 5-39
Moshe Weinfeld, Kabod, in Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, ed. E. J. Botterwick, tr. D. E. Green (Grand Rapids:1995) vol. VII:22-38
III. The Fourth Century: The Imperial Church and the Emergence of Monasticism
A. Source Texts
Ammonas, The Letters of Ammonas, tr. Derwas Chitty, rev. tr. Sebastian Brock (Fairacres, Oxford:1983)
Anthony, The Letters of St. Antony: Monasticism and the Making of a Saint, ed. and tr. Samuel Rubensen (Minneapolis:1995)
Aphrahat, The Liber Graduum, and other early Syriac Fathers, selections in The Syriac Fathers
on Prayer and the Spiritual Life, tr. Sebastian Brock (Kalamazoo:1987)
Athanasius, The Life of Anthony and the Letter to Marcellinus, tr. Robert C. Gregg (NY:1980)
Basil the Great, The Ascetical Works, tr. Monica Wagner, Fathers of the Church 9 (Wash. D.C., 1950)
-----------------, On the Holy Spirit, tr. David Anderson (Crestwood, NY:1980)
Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia, mystagogical catecheses in Edward Yarnold, tr. and ed., The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation: Baptismal Homilies of the Fourth Century (Slough, UK:1972)
Ephrem, Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns, tr. Kathleen McVey (NY:1989)
---------, The Hymns on Paradise, tr. Sebastian Brock (Crestwood, NY:1990)
Evagrius of Pontus, The Praktikos and Chapters on Prayer, tr. John E. Bamberger (Spencer, MA:1970)
----------------------, Les six centuries des Kephalaia Gnostica d'Évagre le Pontique, ed. and tr.
Antoine Guillaumont, Patrologia Orientalis 28
Gregory of Nyssa, From Glory to Glory: Selected Texts on the Spiritual Life, ed. Jean Daniélou,
tr. N. Musurillo (NY:1961).
Macarius, Pseudo-Macarius: The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and the Great Letter, tr. George
Maloney (NY:1992)
Pachomius, Pachomian Koinonia, ed. and tr. Armand Veilleux, three volumes (Kalamazoo:1980-1982)
Palladius, The Lausiac History, tr. Robert T. Meyer, Ancient Christian Writers 34 (NY:1964)
The Desert Christian: Sayings of the Fathers, the Alphabetical Collection, tr. Benedicta Ward (NY:198
The Lives of the Desert Fathers (=Historia Monachorum in Aegypto), tr. Norman Russell (Kalamazoo:1981)
Theodoret of Cyrrhus, History of the Monks of Syria, tr. E. M. Price (Kalamazoo:1985)
B. Selected Studies
David Amand de Mendieta, L'ascèse monastique de Saint Basile: Essai historique (Maredsous:1948)
Hans-Veit Beyer, "Die Lichtlehre der Mönche des vierzehnten und des vierten Jahrhunderts erörtet am Beispiel des Gregorios Sinaïtes, des Evagrios Pontikos, und des Pseudo-Makarios/Symeon", Jahrbuch des österreichischen Byzantinistik 31.1 (1981) 473-512
Wilhelm Bousset, Apophthegmata: Studien zur Geshichte des ältesten Mönchtums (Tübingen:1923)
David Brakke, Athanasius and the Politics of Asceticism (Oxford:1995)
Sebastian Brock, "Fire from Heaven: From Abel's Sacrifice to the Eucharist. A Theme in Syrian Christianity", Studia Patristica 25, 229-243
-------------------, "Prayer of the Heart in the Syrian Perspective", Sobornost 4.2 (1982) 131-142
-------------------, Spirituality in the Syriac Tradition (Kottayam, India: 1987)
-------------------, The Holy Spirit in the Syrian Baptismal Tradition (Poona, India:1979)
-------------------, The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual Worldview of St. Ephrem the Syrian, rev. ed. (Kalamazoo:1992)
Peter Brown, Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity (Berkeley:1982)
---------------, The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity (Berkeley:1988)
Gabriel Bunge, "Évagre le pontique et les deux Macaires", Irénikon 56.2-3 (1983) 215-227 and 323-360
-----------------, Geistliche Vaterschaft: Christliche Gnosis bei Evagrios Pontikos (Regensburg:1988)
Mark S. Burrows, "On the Visibility of God in the Holy Man: A Reconsideration of the Role of the Apa in the Pachomian Vitae", Vigiliae christianae 41 (1987) 11-33
Douglas Burton-Christie, The Word in the Desert: Scripture and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian Monasticism (NY/Oxford:1993)
Irenée-Henri Dalmais, "La vie monastique comme ascèse vigiale d'après Saint Ephrem et les traditions liturgiques syriennes", Ephemerides liturgicae 48 (1989) 75-86
-------------------------, Eastern Liturgies, tr. Donald Attwater (NY:1960)
Jean Daniélou, Platonisme et théologie mystique. Doctrine spirituelle de Grégoire de Nysse (Paris:1944)
Herman Dörries, Theologie des Makarios/Symeon (Göttingen:1978)
-------------------, "The Place of Confession in Ancient Monasticism", Studia Patristica 5 (1962) 284-311
Jeremy Driscoll, The Ad Monachos of Evagrius Ponticus (Rome:1991)
Francis Dvornik, Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy: Origins and Background Dumbarton Oaks Studies IX, 2 volumes (Washington DC:1966)
Phillipe Escalon, Monachisme et l'Église: Le monachisme syrien du IVe au VIIe siècle, un monachisme charismatique (Paris:1999)
Hugh Evelyn-White, Monasteries of the Wadi Natrun. II: History of the Monasteries of Nitria and Scete (NY:1932, rep. 1973)
Thomas Fisch, ed., Liturgy and Tradition: Theological Reflections of Alexander Schmemann (NY:1990)
Klaus Fitschen, Messalianismus und Antimessalianismus: Ein Beispiel ostkirchlicher Ketzergeschichte (Göttingen:1998)
Georges Florovsky, Byzantine Ascetic and Spiritual Writers (Belmont, MA:1987)
James E. Goehring, "Monastic Diversity and Ideological Boundaries in Fourth Century Christian Egypt", Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.1 (1997) 61-84
----------------------, "The Encroaching Desert: Literary Production and Ascetic Space in Early Christian Egypt", Journal of Early Christian Studies 1 (1993) 281-296
Alexander Golitzin, "Liturgy and Mysticism: The Experience of God in Eastern Orthodox Christianity", Pro Ecclesia 8.2 (1999) 31-58
Graham Gould, The Desert Fathers on Monastic Community (Oxford:1993)
J. Gribomont, "Le monachisme au sein de l'église en Syrie et en Cappadoce", Studia Monastica 7 (1965) 7-24
Sidney Griffith, "Monks, 'Singles', and 'Sons of the Covenant': Reflections on Syriac Ascetic Terminology", in Eulogema: Studies in Honor of Robert Taft, SJ (Rome:1993) 141-160
Antoine Guillaumont, "La vision de l'intellect par lui-même dans la mystique évagrienne", Mélanges de l'Université St. Joseph 50.1-2 (1984) 255-262
-------------------------, Les Kephalaia Gnostica d'Évagre le Pontique (Paris:1961)
-------------------------, "Situation et significance du Liber Graduum dans la spiritualité syriaque", Orientalia Christiana Analecta 197 (Rome:1974) 311-325
Susan A. Harvey, "The Edessan Martyrs and Ascetic Tradition", Orientalia Christiana Analecta (Rome:1990) 195-206.
Irenée Hausherr, Spiritual Direction in the Early Christian East, tr. Anthony Gythiel (Kalamazoo:1990)
Karl Heussi, Der Ursprung des Mönchtums (Tübingen:1936)
Endre von Ivanka, Rhomäerreich und Gottesvolk (Freiburg/Munich:1968)
Casimir Kucharek, The Sacramental Mysteries: A Byzantine Approach (Combermere, Ontario:1976)
Fairy von Lilienfeld, "Anthropos Pneumatikos-Pater Pneumatikos: Neues Testament und Apophthegmata Patrum", Studia Patristica 5 (1962) 382-392
Andrew Louth, The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition: From Plato to Denys (Oxford:1981, rep. 1992)
Harriet Luckman and Linda Kunzler, editors, Purity of Heart in Early Ascetic and Monastic Literature (Collegeville, MN:1999)
John A. McGuckin, The Transfiguration of Christ in Scripture and in Tradition (Lewistown/Queenstown:1986)
----------------------, "'Perceiving Light from Light by Light': The Trinitarian Theology of St. Gregory the Theologian", Greek Orthodox Theological Review 39.1 (1994) 7-32
Anthony Meredith, "Asceticism: Christian and Greek", Journal of Theological Studies ns 27.2 (1976) 313-332
Charles A. Metter, "'Mary Needs Martha': The Purposes of Manual Labor in Early Egyptian Monasticism", St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 43.2 (1999) 163-207.
Robert Murray, Symbols of Church and Kingdom: A Study in Early Syriac Tradition (Cambridge:1975)
G. P. Nedungatt, "The Covenanters of the Early Syriac-Speaking Church", Orientalia ChristianaPeriodica 39 (1973) 191-215 and 419-444
Gilles Quispel, Makarios, das Thomasevangelium, and das Lied von der Perle (Leiden:1967)
Juana Raasch, The Monastic Concept of Purity of Heart and Its Sources, in Studia Monastica 8.1 (1966) 7-33; 8.2, 183-213; 10.1 (1968) 7-55; 11.2 (1969) 269-314; and 12.1 (1970) 7-41
Richard Reitzenstein, Historia Monachorum et Historia Lausiaca: Eine Studie zur Geschichte des Mönchtums und der frühchristlichen Begriffe Gnostiker und Pneumatiker (Göttingen:1916)
Phillip Rousseau, Ascetics, Authority, and the Church (Oxford:1978)
-------------------, Basil of Ceasarea (Berkeley:1994)
-------------------, Pachomius: The Making of a Community in Fourth Century Egypt (Berkeley:1985)
William Schoedel, "Jewish Wisdom and the Formation of the Christian Ascetic", in R. L. Wilken, ed., Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity (Notre Dame: 1975) 169-199
Hans-Joachim Schultz, The Byzantine Liturgy, tr. M. J. O'Donnell (NY:1986)
Nicholas Séd, "Les Hymnes sur le paradis de Saint Ephrem et les traditions juives", Le muséon (1968) 455-501
---------------, "La shekinta et ses amis araméens", Cahiers d'Orientalisme XX (1988) 233-242
Guy G. Stroumsa, "Ascèse et gnôse: Aux origines de la spiritualité monastique", Revue Thomiste 89 (1981) 557-573
Nicholas Uspensky, Evening Worship in the Orthodox Church, tr. Paul Lazor (Crestwood, NY:1985).
Arthur Vööbus, History of Asceticism in the Syrian Orient, 2 volumes (Louvain:1958, 1960)
Hugh Wybrew, The Orthodox Liturgy: The Development of the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite (Crestwood, NY:1989)
IV. Fifth Century to the Present: Icons, Hesychasts and the Jesus Prayer
A. Source Texts, Part I: Byzantine era
Barsanuphius and John: Questions and Answers, ed. and tr. Derwas Chitty, Patrologia Orientalis 31:449-661 [124 of over 800 extant letters, early sixth century]
Nicholas Cabasilas, Commentary on the Divine Liturgy, tr. J. M. Hussey and P. A. McNulty (London:1966)
----------------------, The Life in Christ, tr. Carmino J. de Catenzaro (Crestwood, NY:1974).
Cyril of Scythopolis, The Lives of the Monks of Palestine, tr. R. M. Price, annotations by John Binns (Kalamazoo:1991)
Dorotheos of Gaza, Discourses and Sayings, tr. E. P. Wheeler (Kalamazoo:1977)
Germanos of Constantinople, On the Divine Liturgy, tr. and intro. Paul Meyendorff (Crestwood, NY:1984)
Georgia, Lives and Legends of the Georgian Saints, tr. David Lang (London: rev. ed. 1976)
Gregory Palamas, The Triads, selected with notes and introduction by John Meyendorff, tr. Nicholas Gendle (NY:1983)
--------------------, The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters, ed. and tr., with introduction by Robert E. Sinkiewicz (Toronto:1988)
Gregory of Sinai, Discourse on the Transfiguration, ed., tr., with introduction by David Balfour (San Bernardino, CA:1990)
Holy Women of the Syrian Orient, tr. with introduction by Susan A. Harvey and Sebastian P. Brock (Berkeley: rev. ed. 1998)
Isaac of Nineveh, The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac of Nineveh, tr. with introduction by Dana Miller, Holy Transfiguration Monastery (Boston:1984)
Jacob of Serug, On the Mother of God, tr. Mary Hansbury (Crestwood, NY:1998)
John Climachus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, tr. Colm Liubheid and Norman Russell, intro. by Kallistos Ware (NY:1982)
John of Damascus, On the Divine Images, tr. David Anderson (Crestwood, NY:1980)
John Moschus, The Spiritual Meadow, tr. John Wortely (Kalamazoo:1992)
Maximus the Confessor, Selected Writings, tr. with notes by George C. Berthold (NY:1985)
----------------------------, Maximus the Confessor, tr. and introduction by Andrew Louth (Routledge, UK:1996) [Berthold selects from Maximus' ascetical works, Louth from his more theological writings, notably the Ambigua]
Nicetas Stethatos, Vie de Syméon le nouveau théologien, ed., tr., and introduction by Irenée Hausherr (Rome:1938)
Paul of Monembasia, The Spiritually Beneficial Tales of Bishop Paul of Monembasia, tr. with notes and introduction by John Wortley (Kalamazoo:1996)
Symeon the New Theologian, On the Mystical Life: The Ethical Discourses, tr. Alexander Golitzin, two volumes (Crestwood, NY:1995-1996)
Symeon Stylites, The Lives of Symeon Stylites, tr. and introduction by Robert Doran (Kalamazoo:1992)
Symeon of Thessalonica, Treatise on Prayer: An Explanation of the Services Conducted in the Orthodox Church, tr. Harry Simmons (Brookline, MA:1984)
Theodore the Studite, On the Holy Icons, tr. Catherine Roth (Crestwood, NY:1981)
Theoleptos of Philadelphia, The Life and Letters of Theoleptos of Philadelphia, tr. with introduction by Angela C. Hero (Brookline, MA:1994)
A. Source Texts, Part II: Some 18th and 19th century sources
Holy Women of Russia: The Lives of Five Orthodox Women, tr. Brenda Meehan (NY:1993) [selected from 19th century devotional literature]
John of Cronstadt, The Spiritual Counsels of John of Cronstadt, selected and tr. W. Jardine Grisbrooke (Crestwood, NY: rep. 1981)
Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel, tr. Peter Chamberas, introduction by George Bebis (NY:1989)
Païssy Velichkovsky, The Life and Ascetic Labors of our Father, the Elder Paissius, Archimandrite of the Holy Moldavian Monasteries of Niamets and Sekoul. Optina Version, Schema-Monk Mitrophanes, tr. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (Platina, CA:1976) [19th century, Russian vita of the 18th century elder]
Theophan the Recluse, Unseen Warfare, as Edited by Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and Revised by Theophan the Recluse, tr. E. Kadloubovsky and G. E. H. Palmer, introduction by H. A. Hodges (Crestwood, NY:1978)
B. Selected Studies
Hilarion Alfeyev, "The Patristic Background of Symeon the New Theologian's Doctrine of Light", Studia Patristica 32 (1997) 229-238
-------------------, "St. Symeon the New Theologian, St. Symeon the Pious and the Studite Tradition", Studia Monastica 36 (1994) 183-222.
Emmanuel Amand de Mendieta, Mount Athos: The Garden of the Panagia, tr. Michael R.Bruce (Berlin/Amsterdam:1972)
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Kosmische Liturgie: Das Weltbild Maximus des Bekenners, 2nd ed. revised (Einsiedeln:1961)
Robert Beulay, La lumière sans forme: Introduction à l'!étude de la mystique chrétienne syro-orientale (Chevtogne:1987)
-----------------, L'enseignement spirituel de Jean de Dalyatha: Mystique syro-oriental du VIIIe siècle (Paris:1990)
Paul S. Blowers, Exegesis and Spiritual Pedagogy in Maximus the Confessor (Notre Dame:1991)
Boris Bobrinskoy, The Mystery of the Trinity: Trinitarian Experience and Vision in the Biblical and Patristic Tradition, tr. Anthony Gythiel (Crestwood, NY:1999)
René Bornert, Les commentaires byzantins de la Divine Liturgie du VIIe au XVe siècle (Paris:1966)
Vera Boutenev, translator, Father Arseny, 1893-1973: Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father (Crestwood, NY:1998)
Archimandrite Cherubim, Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos, tr. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, two volumes (Platina, CA:1992) [19th and 20th century Athonite hermits and other monastic saints]
Igumen Chariton of Valaamo, The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology, tr. E. Kadloubovsky and E. M. Palmer, introduction by Timothy Ware (London:1966, rep. 1976)
Sergei Chetverikov, Staretz Païssy Velichkovsky, tr. Vassily Lickwar and Alexander Lisenko (Belmont, MA:1980)
Irenée-Henri Dalmais, "Place de la Mystagogie de Saint Maxime le Confesseur dans la théologie liturgique byzantine", Studia Patristica 5 (1962) 277-282
John Dunlop, Staretz Amvrossy: Model for Dostoyevsky's Staretz Zossima (Belmont, MA:1972)
Jas Elsner, Art and the Roman Viewer (Cambridge:1995)
Paul Evdokimov, The Art of the Icon: A Theology of Beauty, tr. Steven Bigham (Redondo Beach, CA:1990)
Pavel Florensky, Iconostasis, tr. Donald Sheehan and Olga Andreyev (Crestwood, NY:1996)
Alexander Golitzin, "'A Contemplative and a Liturgist': Fr. Georges Florovsky on the Corpus Dionysiacum", St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 43.2 (1999) 131-161
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----------------------, Symeon the New Theologian on the Mystical Life, vol. III:Life, Times, Theology (Crestwood, NY:1997)
----------------------, The Living Witness of the Holy Mountain: Contemporary Voices from Mount Athos (South Canaan, PA:1996)
Nadejda Gorodetsky, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk: Inspirer of Dostoyevsky (rev. ed. Crestwood, NY:1976)
J. Gouillard, "Quatre procès de mystique à Byzance", Revue des études byzantines (1981) 5-81
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--------------------, "Embodiment in Time and Eternity: A Syriac Perspective", St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 43.2 (1999) 105-130
Antonios Hatzopoulos, Two Outstanding Cases in Byzantine Spirituality: The Macarian Homilies and St. Symeon the New Theologian, Analecta Blatadon 54 (Thessalonica:1991)
Irenée Hausherr, Penthos: The Doctrine of Mourning in the Christian East, tr. Anselm Hufstader (Kalamazoo:1982)
-------------------, The Name of Jesus, tr. Charles Cummings (Kalamazoo:1978)
-------------------, Saint Théodore le studite: l'homme et l'ascète (Rome:1926, rep.1964)
J. M. Hussey, Ascetics and Humanists in XIth Century Byzantium (London:1960)
---------------, The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire (Oxford:1986)
---------------, "Symeon and Nicholas Cabasilas: Similarities and Contrasts in Orthodox Spirituality", Eastern Churches Review 4.2 (1972) 131-140
Ioan Ic, "Il mistero del Volto di Christo nella Tradizione orientale: eikón, prospon e icona", Il Volto dei Volti Christo, editrice elar (Gorle, Italy:1997) 71-79
----------, "La Posterità Romena dello 'Starec Paisij'", in Paisij, lo Starec, ed. Adalberto Mainardi (Communita di Bose:1996) 245-266
Endre von Ivanka, Plato Christianus (Einsiedeln:1964)
Bishop Seraphim Joanta, Romania: Its Hesychast Tradition and Culture, tr. St. Xenia Scete (Wildwood, CA:1992)
Ernst Kitzinger, Byzantine Art in the Making (Cambridge, MA:1977)
Ivan M. Kontzevich, The Northern Thebaïd: Monastic Saints of the Russian North, tr. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (Platina, CA:1975) [These are not critical editions of the 14th-16th century virtae, but the latter as filtered through 19th century readers, but still a valuable collection stressing continuities with Byzantine Hesychasm]
Pierre Kovalevsky, Saint Sergius and Russian Spirituality, tr. W. Elias Jones (Crestwood, NY:1975)
G. B. Ladner, "The Concept of the Image in the Greek Fathers and the Byzantine Iconoclastic Controversy", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 7 (1953) 1-34
Emmanuel Lanne, "L'interprétation palamite de la vision de Saint Benoît", Le millenaire de Mont Athos: 963-1963 (Chevtogne-Venezia:1964) II:21-47
Jean-Claude Larchet, La divinisation de l'homme selon Saint Maxime le Confesseur (Paris:1996)
Vladimir Lossky, In the Image and Likeness of God, tr. John Erickson and Thomas Bird (Crestwood, NY:1974, rep. 1985)
-------------------, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, tr. Fellowship of SS Alban and Sergius (London:1957, rep.Cambridge/London:1968)
-------------------, The Vision of God, tr. Ashley Moorhouse (London:1963, rep. Crestwood, NY:1983)
George Mantzarides, The Deification of Man: St. Gregory Palamas and Orthodox Tradition, tr. Liadain Sherrard (Crestwood, NY:1984)
T. F. Matthews, The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy (Penn State:1971)
John Meyendorff, Byzantine Theology (Oxford:1975)
--------------------, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia (Crestwood, NY:1989)
--------------------, Christ in Eastern Christian Thought (Washington DC:1969)
--------------------, "Mount Athos in the 14th Century: Spiritual and Intellectual Legacy", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 42 (1988) 157-165
----------------------, St. Gregory Palamas and Orthodox Spirituality, tr. Adele Fisk (Crestwood, NY:1974, rep. 1999)
Pierre Miquel, Le vocabulaire de l'expérience spirituelle dans la tradition patristique grecque du IVe au XIVe siècle (Beauchesne:1991)
Donald M. Nicol, Church and Society in the Last Centuries of Byzantium (Cambridge:1975)
Konrad Onasch and Anne Marie Schnieper, Icons: The Fascination and the Reality (NY:1997)
Leonid Ouspensky, The Theology of the Icon (Crestwood, NY:1978)
Jaroslav Pelikan, Imago Dei: The Byzantine Apologia for Icons (Princeton:1990)
John M. Rist, "Pseudo-Dionysius, Neoplatonism and the Weakness of the Soul", in From Athens to Chartres: Neoplatonism and Medieval Thought. Studies in Honor of Edouard Jeauneau, ed. H. J. Westra (Leiden/NY:1992) 135-161
John S. Romanides, "Notes on the Palamite Controversy and Related Questions", Greek Orthodox Theological Review 6.2 (1960/61) 186-205, 9.2 (1963/64) 225-270
Steven Runciman, The Great Church in Captivity (Cambridge:1968) [Virtually unique in English in offering a history of the Greek Church under Ottoman rule, with somenote of the Athonite revival in the 18th century]
André Scrima, "L'avènement philocalique dans l'orthodoxie roumaine", Istina (1958) 295-328 and 443-475
Phillip Sherrard, Athos the Holy Mountain (London/Woodstock, NY:1982)
Archimandrite Sophrony, St. Silouan the Athonite, tr. Rosemary Edmonds (Crestwood,NY:1999)
Nun Maria Stakhovich and Sergius Bolshakoff, Interior Silence: Elder Michael, the Last Great Mystic of Valaam, tr. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (Platina, CA:1992)
Dumitru Staniloae, Theology and the Church, tr. Robert Barringer (Crestwood, NY:1980)
---------------------, The Experience of God, tr. Ioan Ionit and Robert Barringer (Brookline, MA:1994)
Lars Thunberg, Microcosm and Mediator: The Theological Anthropology of Maximus the Confessor (2nd edition, Chicago:1995)
H. J. M. Turner, St Symeon the New Theologian and Spiritual Fatherhood (Leiden:1990)
Archimandrite Vassileios, Hymn of Entry, tr. Elisabeth Briere (Crestwood, NY:1984)
Archimandrite Hierotheos Vlachos, A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain, tr. Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery (Livadia, Greece:1991)
Bishop Kallistos Ware, "Forward", to the translation of I. Hausherr's Spiritual Direction in the
Early Christian East, vii-xxxiii
--------------------------, The Power of the Name (Fairacres, Oxford:1974)
--------------------------, "The Spiritual Father in Orthodox Christianity", Cross Currents 24 (1974) 296-313