Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 1 | Wehr Science Center (8/12/69) and William Wehr Physics Building (9/3/69) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 2 | Proposed Land Use (1949-1975) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 3 | Engineering Building (4/6/84) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 4 | City of Milwaukee - Central Area In 1870 (undated) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 5 | School of Medicine (8/22/31) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 6 | Gesu Church (7/31/52) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 7 | Walter Schroeder Health Sciences & Education Complex (10/20/78 and 1/20/78) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 8 | Business Administration (2/22/83) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 9 | Marquette University Museum of Art [Haggerty Museum of Art] (3/24/83) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 10 | College of Nursing (7/31/80 - 11/10/80) | Archives 4/1/1 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 11 | College of Nursing (9/22/80) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 12 | Business Administration (2/22/83) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 13 | Nursing: St. Joseph's Hospital (12/30/61) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 14 | College of Nursing (1980?) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 15 | College of Nursing (8/80) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 16 | College of Nursing (8/13/80) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 17 | College of Nursing (1/5/81) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 18 | College of Nursing (1/5/81) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 19 | College of Nursing (1/5/81) | Archives 4/1/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 20 | College of Nursing (1/5/81) | Archives 4/1/1 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 21 | Marquette University Museum of Art [Haggerty Museum of Art] (3/24/83) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 22 | College of Nursing (1/5/81) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 23 | Women's Residence Hall (Cobeen) (11/20/64) - Item 171 was a duplicate of this with missing pages and was deaccessioned. | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 24 | Engineering Building (4/6/84) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 25 | Band and Chorus Building (7/12/54 - 11/22/54) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 26 | Teaching Materials Center (1 /2/59 - 2/19/59) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 27 | Merrity Hall (6/10/69) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 28 | Bellarmine Hall (11/19/59 - 7/23/68) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 29 | Speech School (11/6/58 - 10/10/59) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 30 | Grandmora (8/10/59 - 1/14/60) | Archives 4/1/2 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 31 | Alumnae House (2/10/66 - 1/30/67) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 32 | Athletic Building (12/29/59 - 12/31/59) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 33 | Marian Hall (6/15/57 - 11/3/67) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 35 | Greater Marquette Center (6/24/64 - 8/18/71); Proposed Reading Clinic in GMC (7/14/64);Athletic Department and Ticket Sales Office (G.M.C.) (5/26/70) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 37 | Law School Addition (2/2/82 - 3/22/82) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 38 | Gymnasium Building (8/24/46 - 9/22/47) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 39 | Computer Center - Engineering (9/25/63) | Archives 4/1/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 40 | Heraty Hall - New Boilers (9/25/63) | Archives 4/1/2 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 42 | Dental College (7/18/21) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 43 | Dental School Special Project Grant (12/8/70) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 44 | Dental College (7/18/21 - 6/19/22) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 45 | Dental School (7/25/58 - 1/13/61) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 46 | College of Journalism (undated) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 47 | School of Medicine (undated) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 48 | Schroeder Complex - Progress Schedule (5/7/79 - 1/26/81) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 49 | Tower Building (12/6/67) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 50 | Memorial Library Renovation (6/20/83) | Archives 4/1/3 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 51 | Law School and Legal Research Center Addition (6/9/82) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 52 | Physics Building (8/10/70) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 53 | Dental School (6/4/75) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 54 | Science Building Renovation (11/28/66) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 55 | School of Medicine - Allen Bradley Medical Science Laboratory (11/64 - 11/65) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 56 | Engineering Building (6/1/76) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 57 | Physics Building (8/69 - 8/10/70) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 58 | Modern Language Building (8/16/67) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 59 | Schroeder Hall - Additions (8/1/64) | Archives 4/1/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 68 | Business Administration - Addition & Remodeling (1982?) (Items 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 were duplicates and deaccessioned). | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 69 | Law School and Legal Research Center Addition (2/22/82 - 3/22/82) | Archives 4/1/4 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 70 | Theater Building (6/12/73) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 71 | Theater Building (12/22/69 - 1/22/71) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 72 | Theater Building (6/6-12/73) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 73 | Theater Building (undated) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 74 | Center for Performing Arts (10/13/71 - 2/9/73) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 75 | Theater Building (6/12/73) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 76 | Center for Performing Arts (undated) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 77 | Theater Building (undated) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 78 | Gesu Parish Center (1 /2/76) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 79 | School of Dentistry (12/15/81) | Archives 4/1/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 80 | Fifth Street School (8/59) | Archives 4/1/4 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 81 | Regan Pharmacy (11/18/37 - 11/19/37) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 82 | Walter Schroeder Health Sciences & Education Complex (1/20/79) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 83 | Walter Schroeder Health Sciences & Education Complex (1/20/79) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 84 | Johnston Hall (7/13/38) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 85 | Theatre Store and Office Building (8/1/36 - 6/22/37) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 86 | Law School and Legal Research Center Addition (6/9/82 - 8/18/82) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 87 | Business Administration (11/12/49 - 11/17/49) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 88 | Gesu Church Renovation (7/14/66 - 8/11/66) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 89 | Gymnasium Building (5/4/21 - 8/26/46) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 90 | Student's Army Training Corps (undated) | Archives 4/1/5 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 91 | Boiler Room Revisions (5/19/85) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 92 | Maps: Mackinac County, Marquette & Hiawatha National Forests (1940) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 93 | Marquette University Stadium (Proposed plan between 15th and 16th Street and Clybourn and Grand) (undated) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 94 | Parking (12/26/61 - 4/26/77) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 95 | Landscape Development (5/67 - 7/21/69) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 96 | Campus Area (3/1/58 - 8/30/66) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 97 | City of Milwaukee Map 7 Photograph (5/75) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 98 | Science Building Plot Plan (3/14/51) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 99 | Outline Nicolas Residence Hall (10/25/67) | Archives 4/1/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 100 | Laboratory (undated) | Archives 4/1/5 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 101 | Law School and Legal Research Center Addition (6/9/82 - 8/18/82) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 102 | Carpenter Hall Renovation (12/10/81 - 1/25/82) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 103 | "Marquette University 1990" (3/76) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 104 | Walter Schroeder Health Sciences & Education Complex (5/28/78 - 1/20/79) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 105 | Walter Schroeder Health Sciences & Education Complex (1/20/70) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 107 | Mashuda Hall Entrance & Parking (9/2/83) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 108 | Marquette University Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (3/21/83) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 110 | Marquette University Art Gallery: Main Level, Plan [Haggerty Museum of Art] (1/22/82) | Archives 4/1/6 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 111 | Marquette University Art Gallery: Site Plan [Haggerty Museum of Art] (2/19/82 - 5/14/82) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 112 | Marquette University Museum of Art [Haggerty Museum of Art] (3/21/83 -3/22/83) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 113 | Marquette Art Gallery: Concept Phase [Haggerty Museum of Art] (11/20/81) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 114 | Marquette University Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (8/31/82) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 115 | Marquette University Art Gallery/Marquette Fine Arts Building [Haggerty Museum of Art] (8/9/82) | Archives 4/1/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 116 | Marquette University Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (7/9/81) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 117 | Marquette University Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (9/3/81 - 9/18/81) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 118 | Marquette University Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (8/31/82 - 12/20/82) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 120 | Blood Center, Fifth Floor Plan, undated | Archives 4/1/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 121 | Humanities Office Building (1/8/76) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 122 | Humanities Office Building (1/20/76) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 123 | Humanities Office Building (2/10/76) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 124 | Humanities Office Building (3/15/76) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 125 | Humanities Office Building (3/19/76) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 126 | Humanities Office Building (10/21/76) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 127 | Humanities Office Building (10/29/76) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 128 | Abbot Crest Hotel (1925 or 1928) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 414 | Abbottsford Hall, 1939 | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 129 | Academy Gym and Chapel (undated) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 466 | Academic Support Building (1967 & 1983) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 130 | Alumnae House (1/25/46) | Archives 4/1/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 131 | Alumni Memorial Union - Concept Surveys (1988) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 391 | Alumni Memorial Union - Concept Surveys (6/26/90) | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 416 | Alumni Memorial Union (Colored Drawing from Southwest, undated) | Archives 4/4/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 417 | Alumni Memorial Union (Colored Drawing from Northeast, undated) | Archives 4/4/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 132 | Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (1981) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 133 | Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (1982) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 134 | Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (1982) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 136 | Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (1982) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 137 | Art Gallery [Haggerty Museum of Art] (1982) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 322 | Art Museum (Conceptual Drawings of Expansion) [Haggerty Museum of Art] (1994) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 415 | Athletic Facilities Development (Four proposed alternatives) (1984-1989) | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 138 | Bellarmine Hall (undated) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 469 | B.F. Goodrich Co. Store (1200 W. Wells; 12th and Wells St.) (1956-1957) | Archives 4/4/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 320 | Biltmore Architectural Plans (1924-1990) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 459 | Biltmore Apartments - As Builts (1990) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 139 | Biology Building/Wehr (William) Life Sciences Building (1960) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 140 | Biology Building/Wehr (William) Life Sciences Building (1960) | Archives 4/1/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 141 | Biology Building/Wehr (William) Life Sciences Building (1960) | Archives 4/2/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 142 | Biology Building/Wehr (William) Life Sciences Building (1960) | Archives 4/2/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 471 | Boiler Plant | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 143 | Boiler Room (15th Street) (1947, 1952, 1960) | Archives 4/2/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 467 | Boiler Room (1985) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 413 | Brooks Hall First Floor Plan and Typical Floor Plan, undated | Archives 4/4/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 410 | "Proposed Union Building, Marquette University, Scheme 'C'" [Brooks Memorial Union], undated; Brooks Memorial Union/Brooks Hall - Renovation/Reuse (1991). Part of 410 combined with Item 145, Item 314 combined with the rest of Item 410. | Archives 4/4/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 144 | Brooks Memorial Union (1951, 1951-1952, 1952, 1951-1953, 1956-1957) Items 146, 148, 150, 152 and 154 combined with 144. Items 147, 149, 155, and 156 were duplicates and deaccessioned. | Archives 4/2/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 145 | Brooks Memorial Union (1951), "Main Kitchen and Cafeteria Plan, First Floor Plan" [Brooks Memorial Union], 7/5/51, Brooks Memorial Union Grill Room Seating Layout (10/17/52), "Proposed Union Building, Marquette University, Scheme 'C'". Items 409, part of 410, and 411 combined together with Item 145. | Archives 4/2/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 154 | Brooks Memorial Union (1956-1957) | Archives 4/2/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 412 | Brooks Memorial Union, 4 sheets (10/16/73) | Archives 4/4/2 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 157 | Business Education, College of (1981) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 343 | Campus Plans (undated) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 346 | Campus Plans (undated) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 329 | Campus Plans (3/21/50) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 339 | Campus Plans (1980) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 340 | Campus Plans (1990) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 464 | Carmelite Dorm (Carmel Hall) (1968) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 158 | Carpenter Hall (1923) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 159 | Carpenter Hall (1953) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 160 | Carpenter Hall (1953) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 153 | Carpenter Hall (1953) | Archives 4/2/1 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 162 | Carpenter Hall (1966) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 163 | Carpenter Hall (Renovations) (1968) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 164 | Carpenter Hall (1982) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 165 | Carpenter Hall (Renovations) (1982) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 166 | Carpenter Hall (Renovations) (ca. 1980s) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 167 | Catholic Knights Tower (Remodeling) (1952) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 168 | Coach House (Mashuda) (4/10/61) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 169 | Coach House (Mashuda) (Addition) (4/10/61) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 170 | Coach House (Mashuda) (Addition) (1962, 1963) | Archives 4/2/2 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 321 | College of Nursing (Plans and Revisions) (1/5/81) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 172 | Copus Hall (552 N. 13th Street) (1949) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 174 | Coughlin Hall (3/15/76) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 175 | Cramer Building (Psychology Building) (1978) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 176 | Cramer Building (Psychology Building) (undated) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 342 | Cudahy Hall (1992) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 177 | Deaconess Hospital (1963) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 323 | Deaconess Hospital (1/4/68) | Archives 4/3/3 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 178 | Deaconess Hospital (1967-1970, 1974-1976) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 179 | Deaconess Hospital (1970) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 180 | Deaconess Hospital (1970-1971) | Archives 4/2/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 181 | Deaconess Hospital (1971) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 182 | Deaconess Hospital (Alterations to Clinic Building Specifications) (1973-1974) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 324 | Deaconess Hospital (7/12/74) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 183 | Deaconess Hospital (1974-1976) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 184 | Deaconess Hospital (1977) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 185 | Deaconess Hospital (Radiology Department) (1978) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 186 | Deaconess Hospital (1979) | Archives 4/2/3 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 187 | Deaconess Hospital (1979) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 188 | Delta Apartments (134 15th Street) (1925) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 189 | Dental College (Revisions) (2/8/22) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 190 | Dental School (Additions) (4/16/56) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 191 | Dental School (Addition) (4/16/56) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 192 | Dental School (Revised) (1956) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 193 | Dental School (Special Project Grant) (1970) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 194 | Dental School (Special Project Grant) (7/21/71) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 195 | Dental School (Phase 2A) (10/18/72) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 196 | Dental School (Phase 3A and 3B) (1974) | Archives 4/2/3 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 197 | Dental School (Phase 3A, 3B Plumbing) (9/27/74) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 198 | Dental School (6/4/75) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 199 | Dental School (Renovations Phase 4) (6/21/77) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 200 | Duffey Hall and Hopkins Hall (1959, 1960) | Archives 4/2/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 201 | Engineering Building (10/21/40) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 331 | Engineering Building (6/1/76) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 332 | Engineering Building (6/1/76) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 202 | Engineering Building (6/1/76) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 203 | Engineering School/Olin Hall (7/21/76) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 204 | First National Wisconsin Bank (Merritty Remodeling Plan 1717 Wisconsin Avenue) (undated) | Archives 4/2/4 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 205 | Furnaces (1921) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 341 | Gaps Housing (1992) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 206 | Gesu Church (Renovations) (1966) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 385 | Gesu Residence (9/26/75) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 386 | Gesu Residence (11/13/75) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 207 | Gymnasium Building (1921) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 208 | Gymnasium Building (1947, 1954) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 209 | Gymnasium Building (Heating Plan) (undated) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 210 | Helfaer Tennis, Stadium, and Recreation Center (5/30/74) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 211 | Heraty Hall (1962) | Archives 4/2/4 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 381 | Heraty Hall (Kitchen) (6/14/62) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 382 | Heraty Hall (Kitchen) (6/14/62) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 212 | Heraty Hall (1973) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 383 | Heraty Hall (6/6/73) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 384 | Heraty Hall (7/9/73) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | - | Jesuit Residence | |
D-7 | 2 | 392 |
Fourth Floor (undated) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 393 |
Alterations (11/16/88) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 394 |
Sunroom (7/23/90) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 395 |
Hospice Room (5/13/90) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 396 |
Hospice Room (5/13/90) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 397 |
Floor Plans (8/29/91) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 398 |
Office Alterations (8/29/91) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 399 |
Food Service Equipment (9/26/91) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 400 |
Office Alterations (9/29/91) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 401 |
Dining Room Alterations (4/11/02) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 402 |
Dining Room Alterations (4/11/02) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 403 |
Dining Room Alterations (4/11/02) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 406 |
First Floor Plan (undated) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 407 |
Floor Plans (11/16/88) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 408 |
Floor Plans/Electrical (11/16/88) |
Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 460 | Jesuit Residence (Heraty Hall '73) (1968, 1978, 1988) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 463 | Jesuit Residence - Demolition Plan (2016) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 213 | Joan of Arc Chapel (1964) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 214 | Joan of Arc Chapel (Chapel Exterior and Interior Lighting) (undated) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 420 | Joan of Arc Chapel (Kahn and Jacobs drawings for Chapel Alteration for Marc Rojtman and site plan), 1964-1965 | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 421 | Joan of Arc Chapel (Kahn and Jacobs drawings for Chapel Alteration for Marc Rojtman and site plan, stone cross plan), 1964-1965 | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 422 | Joan of Arc Chapel (Site Plan, Plat Survey and Drawings Showing Numbering of Individual Stones), 1964 | Archives 4/3/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 468 | Kalt Apartments (1621 W. Wisconsin Ave.) (1921) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 470 | Knights of Columbus Mansion Demolished (1981) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 215 | Kohler House on Riverby Farm (1920) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 325 | Lalumiere (Modern Language Building) (8/16/67) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 216 | Lalumiere (Modern Language Building) (1967) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 217 | Lalumiere (Modern Language Building) (1967) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 218 | Lalumiere (Modern Language Building) (1967) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 219 | Lalumiere (Modern Language Building) (1967) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 220 | Lalumiere (Modern Language Building) (10/69) | Archives 4/2/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 221 | Lalumiere Hall (10/8/69) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 348 | Land Acquisition Plan (1992) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 465 | Laundry & Dry Cleaning Village (1967) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 222 | Law School/Legal Research Center (12/5/66) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 472 | Law School/Legal Research Center - As Builts (1968) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 474 | Law School/Legal Research Additions (June 29, 1982) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 475 | Law School/Legal Research Additions (June 9, 1982) | Archives 4/4/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 223 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall (1965, 1966, 1982) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 224 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall (1972) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 225 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall (1981) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 226 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall (Bound) (1982) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 227 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall (1992) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 228 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall (1992) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 229 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall (1992) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 230 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall (1992) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 231 | Law School/Sensenbrenner Hall/Law Library (1981) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 232 | Lisette Lodge (3200 Highland Avenue) (undated) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 233 | Lisette Lodge (3200 Highland Avenue) (undated) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 234 | Maps, County: Chippewa, Mackinac, Schoolcraft, Michigan (1927) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 235 | Marquette Hall (Science Building Renovation)(1966) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 236 | Marquette Stadium (1924) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 237 | Marquette Stadium (1956/1960) | Archives 4/2/5 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 41 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Sprinkler System (11/15/66 - 8/16/67) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 238 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) (10/25/65) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 239 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - HVAC (1965) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 240 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - HVAC (6/10/66) | Archives 4/2/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 241 | McCormick Hall/Parking Lot (196?, 1977) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 438 | McCormick Hall - Air Conditioning (12/4/1989) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 439 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Heating and Ventilating (4/5/1966; 8/11/1966; 2/8/1968). | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 440 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Plumbing (2/7/1968) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 441 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Electrical (2/5/1968) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 442 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Structural (3/27/1967) 2 copies together | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 443 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Architectural (10/25/1965; 8/11/1966; 3/20/1967; 3/22/1967; 7/6/1967; 1/24/1968) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 444 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Sprinkler System (11/15/1966; 2/8/1967; 5/5/1967; 8/16/1967 | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 445 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Wiring layouts (7/21/1965; 8/12/1966; 4/17/1968) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 446 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) (9/6/1966; 2/21/1967; 8/1/1968; 7/17/1989) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 447 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Schedules and Steam Room (3/29/1982; 1/17/1983) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 448 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Food Service Equipment Layout, Renovations (7/21/1965; 5/16/1967; 8/1/1968; 7/17/1989; 4/4/1990; 6/1/1990) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 449 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) - Refrigeration (10/25/1965) | Archives 4/4/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 450 | McCormick Hall - Remodel (3/2002; 9/2002) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 451 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) (1965-1968) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 458 | McCormick Hall (Men's Dormitory No. 1) (1965) | Archives 4/4/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 242 | Medicine, School of (Additions to Animal Quarters) (6/10/58) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 243 | Medicine, School of (Additions to Animal Quarters) (1958) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 244 | Medicine, School of (8/22/31) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 245 | Memorial Library (1950-1952) (Box with 1 drawing in it plus the bundle of blueprints/drawings) | Archives 4/5/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 246 | Memorial Library (1951) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 247 | Memorial Library (1951) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 248 | Memorial Library (1951) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 249 | Memorial Library (1951) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 250 | Memorial Library (1951) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 251 | Memorial Library (1951) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 252 | Memorial Library (1951-1952) | Archives 4/2/6 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 253 | Memorial Library (1951-1952) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 254 | Memorial Library (1951-1952) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 255 | Memorial Library (1951-1952) | Archives 4/2/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 256 | Memorial Library (1951-1952) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 257 | Memorial Library (Air Conditioning) (1966) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 258 | Memorial Library (Addition to Memorial Library Building) (11/14/68) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 404 | Memorial Library (Addition to Memorial Library Building) (11/14/68) | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 259 | Memorial Library (1968) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 260 | Memorial Library (Addition to Memorial Library Building) (11/14/68) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 315 | Memorial Library (1980) | Archives 4/3/3 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 364 | Memorial Library (Floor Plans) (12/11/00) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 365 | Memorial Library (Floor Plans) (12/11/00) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 366 | Memorial Library (Floor Plan) (12/11/00) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 368 | Memorial Library (First and Second Floor) (3/00 and 6/01) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 326 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (12/4/22) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 326a | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (12/4/22) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 437 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1922) | Archives 4/4/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 423 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1970-1972) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 424 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1958) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 425 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1980-1985) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 426 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1957-1958) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 427 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (Addition and Remodeling) (May 1, 1958) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 428 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1959) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 429 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1952) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 430 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1946-1948) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 431 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1931) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 432 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (May 1, 1958) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 433 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (October 1, 1971) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 434 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (1971-1975) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 435 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (Helfaer Building) (undated) | Archives 4/4/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 436 | Milwaukee Children's Hospital (Remodeling, Outpatient and Humphrey Hall) (1970-1971) | Archives 4/4/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 452 | Monitor Hall (1979-1980) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 455 | Monitor Hall, HVAC (1979 renovations) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 261 | Navy ROTC Training Quarters (1954) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 262 | Nicholas Hall (Apartment Building at 15th Street and Clybourn Street) (1926) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 263 | Noonan Hall (Addition to Dormitory) (129 13th St.) (1925) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 264 | Nursing, St. Joseph's Hospital (Additions and Alterations to St. Joseph's Hospital) (1961) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 265 | O'Donnell Hall, Merrity Hall, Monitor Hall (Steam to Hot Water Conversion) (6/1/73) | Archives 4/2/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 266 | O'Hara Hall (1938) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 457 | O'Hara Hall (1938) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 462 | Administration Building (O'Hara Hall) (1980) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 267 | Parking Lot, Storm Sewer, McCormick Hall (6/22/77, 8/8/77, 7/24/75) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 349 | Pedestrian and Street Lighting (4/4/91) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 268 | Physical Therapy Department (Renovations) (1972, 1974) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 269 | President's Dining and Visitor Center (Alumni Memorial Union concepts? or O'Hara Hall?) (1986) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 270 | Psychology Department (1959, 1968, 1978) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 271 | Psychology Department (undated) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 272 | Psychology Department (1978) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 347 | Psychology Department (1978) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 273 | Psychology Department (undated) | Archives 4/2/7 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 274 | Raich House (Mr. and Mrs. Nick Raich House) (1968) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 275 | Residence Hall Kitchen Equipment (1962) | Archives 4/2/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 276 | Residence Hall Kitchen Equipment (1962) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | - | Raynor, John P., S.J. and Memorial Library | |
D-7 | 2 | 367 |
Site Plan (8/17/95) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 374 |
Site Schemes (11/3/99) |
Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 377 |
Site Drawings/Bridge and Tunnel (8/1/00) |
Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | - | Raynor, John P., S.J. Library | |
D-7 | 2 | 369 |
Floor Plans (5/11/99) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 370 |
Floor Plans (6/9/99) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 371 |
Exterior Views (6/9/99) |
Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 372 |
Site Drawings (7/1/99) |
Archives 4/3/6 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | - | Raynor, John P., S.J. Library | |
D-7 | 2 | 351 |
Floor Plans (8/11/99) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 373 |
Exterior Perspectives (9/23/99) |
Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 352 |
Interior Perspectives/Concourse Space (10/14/99) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 353 |
Schematic Design (11/26/99) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 375 |
Schematic Design (11/26/99) |
Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 354 |
Floor Plans (12/7/99) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 355 |
Floor Plans (3/00) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 356 |
Floor Plans (3/00) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 357 |
Floor Plans (3/00) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 376 |
Conceptual Site Plan (7/20/00) |
Archives 4/3/6 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | - | Raynor, John P., S.J. Library | |
D-7 | 2 | 358 |
Master Plan (11/2/2000) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 359 |
Floor Plans (12/11/2000) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 454 | Floor Plans (9/6/2002) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 360 |
Interior Views/Elevations (6/2001) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 361 |
Furniture Plan (3/15/2001) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 362 |
Furniture Plan (6/4/2001) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 363 |
Furniture Plan (10/2/2001) |
Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 473 | Sanai Samaritan Medical Center (1995) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 277 | Schroeder Hall (1956) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 278 | Schroeder Hall (Men's Residence Hall and Additions) (1956) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 279 | Schroeder Hall (1956) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 280 | Schroeder Hall (1956) | Archives 4/3/1 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 281 | Schroeder Hall (1956) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 282 | Schroeder Hall (1956) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 283 | Schroeder Hall (1956) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 319 | Schroeder Hall (1/18/56) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 284 | Schroeder Hall (1957) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 405 | Schroeder (Walter) Health Science & Education Complex (1/20/79) | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 285 | Schroeder (Walter) Health Science & Education Complex (1979) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 286 | Schroeder (Walter) Health Science & Education Complex (undated) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 334 | Schroeder Hall (Addition) (8/1/64) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 287 | Schroeder Hall (Addition) (undated) | Archives 4/3/1 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 327 | Schroeder Hall (Renovations) (2/4/92) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 288 | Science Annex (1962) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 289 | Science Building (Marquette Hall) (1923) and Stratford Hotel (1916) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 290 | Science Library (Medico-Dental Library) (7/3/52) | Archives 4/3/1 |
D-7 | 2 | 378 | Sensenbrenner (Mr. F. J.) Residence (undated) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 291 | Sensenbrenner (Mrs. F. J.) Residences (1929) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 292 | Service and Maintenance Building (1949) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 293 | Steam System on Campus (10/15/69) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 379 | Stratford Arms Hotel (5/1/16) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 380 | Stratford Hotel (1957) | Archives 4/3/6 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 294 | Stratford Hotel (1957) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 419 | Stuessi Memorial Garden--Jesuit Residence (6/6/1990) | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 418 | Stuessi Memorial Garden--Jesuit Residence (6/15/1990) | Archives 4/3/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 390 | Stuessi Memorial Garden--Jesuit Residence (7/16/1990) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 387 | Stuessi Memorial Garden--Jesuit Residence (7/16/1990) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 388 | Stuessi Memorial Garden--Jesuit Residence (7/16/1990) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 389 | Stuessi Memorial Garden--Jesuit Residence (7/16/1990) | Archives 4/3/6 |
D-7 | 2 | 295 | Tower Hall (Tower Apartments, 11th Street and Wisconsin Avenue) (1930) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 296 | 1212 Building (1978, 1984 renovations) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 456 | 1212 Building (1958) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 461 | 1212 Building (1980) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 453 | Unbuilt Resident Hall - proposed site at 13th and Wells Streets (1995) | Archives 4/4/7 |
D-7 | 2 | 297 | Untitled Basement (undated) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 315 | Urban Renewal Plans (1976) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 336 | Valley Fields (undated) | Archives 4/3/4 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 337 | Valley Fields (undated) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 338 | Valley Fields (undated) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 344 | Valley Fields (undated) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 350 | Valley Fields (Redevelopment Illustration) (1991) | Archives 4/3/5 |
D-7 | 2 | 345 | Valley Fields (12-91 and 1-92) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 335 | Valley Fields (5/24/91) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 318 | Valley Fields (2/17/92) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 298 | Varsity Theatre (Remodeling Plans) (1968) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 299 | Varsity Theatre (Remodeling Plans) (10/8/68) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 300 | Varsity Theatre (undated) | Archives 4/3/2 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 328 | Wehr Life Sciences Building (6/1/60) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 301 | Wehr (Todd) Chemistry Building (1964) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 302 | Wehr (Todd) Chemistry Building (1964) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 303 | Wehr (Todd) Chemistry Building (Laboratories) (1964) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 304 | Wehr (Todd) Chemistry Building (1964) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 305 | Wehr (Todd) Chemistry Building (1964) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 306 | Wehr (Todd) Chemistry Building (1965) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 307 | Wehr (Todd) Chemistry Building (1965) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 308 | Wehr (Todd) Chemistry Building (1965) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 309 | Wehr (William) Physics Building (8/10/70) | Archives 4/3/2 |
Series 2
Record Group |
Series | Item | Folder Title | Location |
D-7 | 2 | 310 | Wehr (William) Physics Building (8/10/70) | Archives 4/3/2 |
D-7 | 2 | 333 | Wehr (William) Physics Building (8/10/70) | Archives 4/3/4 |
D-7 | 2 | 311 | Wehr (William) Physics Building (1970) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 312 | Wehr (William) Physics Building (2/27/73) | Archives 4/3/3 |
D-7 | 2 | 313 | Wehr (William) Physics Building (undated) | Archives 4/3/3 |