Welcome to the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLAC) at Marquette University! 

Events and News

Startalk Chinese Summer Camp 2025

Learn Chinese language and culture, take virtual trips to China, create culturally relevant websites, explore the uses of Natural Language Processing, and tour Marquette Visualization Lab (MarVL lab) and Haggerty Museum of Art. This Summer Camp is Tuition FREE and funded by National Security Agency. Camp runs from June 9-27th, 2024, M-F, from 8am-12pm. 

Todd A. Hernández Endowed Excellence Fund

The Todd A. Hernández Endowed Excellence Fund was established in memory of Dr. Todd Hernández, the beloved and much missed professor of Spanish at Marquette. The fund provides stipends for Marquette students who are participating in unpaid internships using Spanish or serving Spanish-speaking communities. The fund also supports at least one DREAM Fellowship for Professional Empowerment per year, provided the student’s learning experience involves the use of Spanish. Learn more and apply.

Why Languages? We Respond

In this video, LLAC Faculty explain why studying languages is important and necessary.

Faculty News

Congratulations to Dr. Enaya Othman (Arabic) who won a Fulbright Scholar Award to research women’s use of traditional dress — thob — in the Middle East.
Othman will conduct archival and onsite research in Palestinian Territories and Jordan to explore the forces working on women’s dress choices, including the dualities of regional cultures along with nationalization projects, cultural authenticity within a frame of modernity/hybridity, and local technologies employed in globalized economy.


Congratulations to Dr. Dinorah Cortés-Vélez for being promoted to Full Professor of Spanish

Congratulations to Dr. Michelle Medeiros for being promoted to Associate Professor of Spanish with Tenure

Congratulations to Dr. Giorgana Poggioli-Kaftan for being promoted to Teaching Associate Professor of Italian

Congratulations for Ms. Ana Escudero for being promoted to Teaching Assistant Professor

Congratulations for Ms. Teresa Krejcarek for being promoted to Teaching Assistant Professor

Congratulations for Ms. LK Pinhancos for being promoted to Teaching Assistant Professor

The Department is fortunate to have you on board. Thank you to all students and faculty member who contributed letters for the dossiers.