CECP GSO Officers
CECP GSO Officers 2024-25
Faculty Advisor: Karisse Callender, Ph.D., karisse.callender@marquette.edu
CECP Department Advisor: Coreen Bukowski, coreen.bukowski@marquette.edu
President: Nicholas (Nick) Peters, n.r.peters@marquette.edu
The president runs meetings, delegates authority, recruits members, serves as the official representative of the organization, and makes decisions about the direction of the organization. The president also consults with the organization faculty advisor and acts as a liaison between the students and the faculty. It is the duty of the president to organize and facilitate annual officer elections, as well as organize current student participation in Master's and Doctoral applicant interviews.
Vice President: Kaiyla Chavez, kaiyla.chavez@marquette.edu
The vice president works in constant collaboration with the President to organize, facilitate, and orchestrate the ongoing affairs of organization. The vice president organizes the organization's mentorship program and the Professional Development Conferences (PDCs). It is the duty of the vice president to plan and host one to two extended training opportunities each academic year.
Secretary: Mya Johannes, mya.johannes@marquette.edu
The duties of the secretary include creating the monthly department newsletter, recording and distributing the minutes from the monthly GSO meetings, assisting in correspondence amongst the GSO, and being an active participant on the GSO executive board.
Treasurer: Joanna Badillo, jo.badillo@marquette.edu
The treasurer is in charge of finances for the organization. It is the responsibility of the treasurer to collect member dues, non-member payments for PDCs, CECP student ticket funds for the Diversity Gala in the spring, and order food for GSO-sponsored events and monthly GSO meetings. Our financial status is tracked on Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets and bank statements through U.S. Bank. The treasurer also keeps paper records of statements as a backup.
Volunteer Coordinator: Kathleen (Kate) Melle, kate.Melle@marquette.edu
The volunteer coordinator is responsible for the mentorship program in the beginning of the year. The person in this position is responsible for collecting applications and matching mentors and mentees. It is also expected that there are monthly volunteer opportunities, either for the group to do or for people to partake in individually.
Diversity Chair: Justina Cheng, justina.cheng@marquette.edu
The diversity chair has the responsibility and honor of ensuring the Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology is fostering a culturally inclusive environment where both students and faculty are able to grow professionally and interpersonally. The diversity chair takes the initiative of providing opportunities (e.g., events, meetings, forums, discussion groups, etc.) for individuals to become more aware, knowledgeable, gain skills, and be proactive as agents of change within their environments. The diversity chair needs to demonstrate maturity and value diversity in order to fulfill its duties.
Racial Justice Committee Liaison (RJC): Jasmin Sanchez, jasmin.sanchez@marquette.edu
The Racial Justice Committee Liaison is an active member in both the CECP Racial Justice Committee (RJC) and the CECP GSO. The Liasion informs the CECP GSO about RJC projects and events, partners with E-Board members on potential joint collaborations, and advocates for the needs of CECP students of color, as well as all students' need for learning counselor competency with racial justice advocacy.
Co-Social Chairs: Faith Anthony, faith.anthony@marquette.edu and Katelyn (Katie) Schaefer, katie.schaefer@marquette.edu
The social chairs coordinate the planning and implementation of activities for organization members. It is the duty of the social chairs to organize one social event each month of the academic year, including the beginning of the year party. Other roles for the social chairs include planning and facilitating the bi-yearly Diversity Gala (even year), organizing and leading a fundraising committee for the Diversity Scholarship, and to regularly communicate with the executive board members about the status of social events.
Doctoral Representative: Amber Herbst, amber.herbst@marquette.edu
The doctoral representative serves as a liaison between doctoral and master students in the Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology. The doctoral representative assists the CECP GSO board with membership recruitment, program development, and dissemination of GSO event information.
Wisconsin Counseling Association Representative (WCA): Alanna Galvin, alana.galvinr@marquette.edu
The WCA representative serves as the liaison between the organization and the WCA. The duties of the WCA rep include being the face of the WCA at executive board meetings, promoting the free WCA membership to all students in the program, recruiting volunteers for WCA events, attending the Annual Summit, and promoting awareness and participation in all WCA events.
Wisconsin School Counselor Association Representative (WSCA): Theresa Peters, theresa.peters@marquette.edu
The WSCA representative serves as the liaison between the organization and the WSCA. The duties of the WSCA rep include being the face of the WSCA at executive board meetings, attending monthly WSCA Graduate Student Board meetings, and promoting membership to all school counselors in the department. Depending on the year, the WSCA rep is also responsible for hosting the monthly WSCA Graduate Student Board meeting.
First Year Master's Representatives: TBD Fall 2025. n.r@marquette.edu
The first year representatives represent the interests of ALL first-year students to the executive board. The duties of the first year reps include making regular contact with all first year students to ascertain if there are any questions or concerns to be addressed by the organization, educating first year students about the organization activities, and encouraging participation on organization committees amongst first year students.
Part-Time Master's Representative: Alyssa Lanzi, alyssa.lanzi@marquette.edu
Represents all part-time students in the clinical mental health and school counseling programs.
CMHC Online Representative: Kristin Welch, kristin.welch@marquette.edu
Represents all clinical mental health on line program students (general and child/adolescent specialization students).