  • Lisa M. Edwards
    Lisa Edwards, Ph.D.Marquette University

    Schroeder Complex, 168C

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-1433
    Curriculum Vitae

    Professor, Director of Training-Counseling Psychology

    Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology

    Degrees Held

    • Ph.D., University of Kansas
    • M.S., University of Kansas

    Courses Taught

    • Multicultural Counseling
    • Assessment in Counseling
    • Seminar and Practicum in Supervision
    • Internship in Counseling

    Research Interests

    Dr. Edwards directs the Culture and Well-Being Research Lab in the Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology. Her research focuses on multicultural counseling, positive psychology, and the intersection of strengths and culture. Together with her lab she recently launched Proyecto Mamá, a grant-funded resource and needs assessment of perinatal mental health among Latinas in the Milwaukee area. The overall goal of this work is to better understand how to support Latina mothers and families during pregnancy and postpartum, and how to address barriers to mental health care and well-being during these critical life periods. She also co-directs the Latina/o Well-Being Research Initiative at Marquette University, an interdisciplinary group focused on developing community-academic partnerships for change. Together with Jacki Black, Marquette University's Associate Director for Hispanic Initiatives, Dr. Edwards also co-authored a guide for use by schools or other concerned personnel entitled Immigration Status-Related Stress and Students: A Brief Guide for Schools.

    Recent Publications and Presentations

    Torres, L., Pachicano, J.B., Bird, C.M., & Edwards, L.M. (2022). Ethnic discrimination, social cohesion, and mental health among Latinx adults.  The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(1), 51-57.

    Edwards, L.M., Le, H., and Garnier-Villarreal, M. (2021). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Risk Factors for Perinatal Depression among Latinas. Journal Maternal Child Health, 25, 554-564.

    Cardemil, E.V., Edwards, L.M., Nelson, T., & Loyo, K. (2018). Cognitive Behavioral Models, Measures and Treatments for Stress in Latinos. In E. Chang, C. Downey, E. Hirsch, and E. Yu (Eds.), Cognitive-Behavioral Models, Measures, and Treatments for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Ethnic and Racial Minorities.

    Haglund, K., Belknap, R., Edwards, L.M., Tassara, M., Van Hoven, J., & Woda, A. (2018). The influence of gendered identity on perceptions for dating relationships and violence among Latino adolescents. Violence Against Women, 1-14.

    Edwards, L.M., Tate, K., Cook, J., Toigo, M., & Yeomans, A. (2017). Counselors as advocates: Effects of a pilot project designed to develop advocacy knowledge and confidence. Journal of Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 9, 79-94.

    Edwards, L.M., Burkard, A.W., Adams, H.A., & Newcomb, S.A. (2017). A mixed-method study of psychologists’ use of multicultural assessment. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 48, 131-138.

    Edwards, L.M., & McClintock, J. (2017). A cultural context lens of hope (pp. 95-104). In M. Gallagher & S.J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of Hope. New York: Oxford.

    Pedrotti, J.T., & Edwards, L.M. (2017). Cultural context in positive psychology: History, research and opportunities for growth. In M. Rao, & S. Donaldson (Eds.) Scientific Advances in Positive Psychology (pp. 257-288). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. Singley, D., & Edwards, L.M. (2017). New fatherhood: An overview of men’s perinatal               mental health. In M. Thiam (Ed.), Perinatal mental health and the military family (pp.   48-66). New York: Routledge.

    Flores, L. Y., Edwards, L.M., & Pedrotti, J.T. (2016). Multicultural Positive Psychology: Cultural Perspectives of the Good Life. In J.M. Casas, L.A. Susuki, & C.M. Alexander (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Counseling (4th edition; pp. 271-281). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

    Edwards, L.M., & McClintock, J. (2016). Creando Esperanza: Hope Groups. In K. Malott & T. Paone (Eds.), Group activities for Latino youth: Strengthening identities and resiliencies through counseling (pp. 109-127). London: Routledge.

    Burkard, A.W., Edwards, L.M., & Adams, H. (2016). Color-blindness in counseling, therapy and supervision. In H.A. Neville, M.E. Gallardo & D.W. Sue (Eds.), What does it mean to be color-blind?: Manifestation, dynamics, and impact (pp. 295-311). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

    CECP Department Colloquium: Perinatal Mental Health: What Practitioners Should Know https://streaming.mu.edu/Watch/Ws5g3PTt

    Singley, D., & Edwards, L.M. (2015). Men’s perinatal health in the transition to fatherhood. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 46, 3090-316.

    Edwards, L. M. & Pedrotti, J. T. (2015). Multiracial Individuals in Therapy: Clinical Considerations across the Lifespan. In H. Grey (Ed.), Cultural Considerations in Latino American Mental Health. New York: Oxford.

    Edwards, L. M. (2015). Latino adolescents and acculturation. In H. Grey (Ed.), Cultural Considerations in Latino American Mental Health.New York: Oxford.

    Edwards, L.M., & Cardemil, E.V. (2015). Clinical approaches to assessing cultural values among Latinos. Chapter to appear in K. Geisinger (Ed.), Psychological Testing of Hispanics: Clinical and Intellectual Issues. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

    Pedrotti, J.T., & Edwards, L.M. (Eds.). (2014). Perspectives on the intersection of
    ulticulturalism and positive psychology. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

    Ojeda, L., Edwards, L.M., Hardin, E., & Pina-Watson, B. (2014). The role of behavioral and cognitive cultural orientation on Mexican American college students’ life satisfaction. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 13, 63-74.

    Romero, A., Edwards, L.M., Fryberg, S.A., & Orduña, M. (2014). Resilience to discrimination stress across ethnic identity stages of development. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44, 1-11.

    Romero, A.J., Edwards, L.M., Bauman, S., & Ritter, M.K. (2013). Preventing adolescent depression and suicide among Latinas: Resilience research and theory. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

    Romero, A. J., Edwards, L. M., & Corkery, S. (2013). Assessing and treating Latinos: Overview of mental health research. Chapter to appear in F. Paniagua & A. Yamada (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.

    Edwards, L.M., & McClintock, J. B. (2013). Promoting hope among youth: Theory, research and practice. Chapter in C. Proctor & A. Linley (Eds.), Positive Psychology: Research, applications and interventions for children and adolescents (pp. 43-55). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Science + Business Media B.V.

    Edwards, L. M., & Stubbs, L. (2012). Towards the prevention of sexual risk-taking among Latina youth. In L. Vera (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Prevention in Counseling Psychology (pp. 285-298). New York: Oxford University Press.

    Smith, N. G., Keller, B. K., Mollen, D., Bledsoe, M., Buhin, L., Edwards, L. M., Levy, J. J., Magyar-Moe, J. M., & Yakushko, O. (2012). Voices of Early Career Psychologists in Division 17, the Society of Counseling Psychology. The Counseling Psychologist.

    Edwards, L. M., Fehring, R., Haglund, K., & Pruszynski, J. (2011). Religiosity and sexual risk behaviors among Latina adolescents: Trends from 1995-2008. Journal of Women’s Health, 20, 871-877.

    Knox, S., Edwards, L. M., Hess, S., & Hill, C. (2011). Supervisor self-disclosure: Supervisees’ experiences and perspectives. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training.

    Romero, A. J., Edwards, L. M., & Orduña, M. (2011). Multiracial Feminist Framework: Influence of social power structures on mental health of Latina adolescents. In N. J.   Cabrera, F. A. Villarruel, & H. E. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Latina and Latino Children’s Mental Health (pp. 159-184). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

    Edwards, L. M. (2009). Hope. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology(pp. 487-491). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

    Edwards, L. M., & Barber, B. (2009). Familism. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology (pp. 372-373). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

    Edwards, L. M., & Jarrett, K. M. (2009). Cultural values. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology (pp. 265-266). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

    Pedrotti, J. P., Edwards, L. M., & Lopez, S. J. (2009). Positive psychology within a cultural Context). In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Handbook of Positive Psychology (2nd ed.) (pp. 49-58). New York: Oxford Press.

    Pedrotti, J. P., & Edwards, L. M. (2009). The intersection of positive psychology and multiculturalism in counseling. Handbook of Multicultural Counseling (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 

    Edwards, L. M., Adrians, N., & McCadden, E. (2008). Biracial. In F.T.L. Leong (Editor-in-Chief), M.G. Constantine (Senior Editor) & R.L. Worthington (Associate Editor), Encyclopedia of Counseling, Volume 3: Cross-Cultural Counseling (pp.1027-1032). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

    Delgado-Romero, E. A. & Edwards, L. (2008). National Latina/o Psychological Association. In F.T.L. Leong (Editor-in-Chief), M.G. Constantine (Senior Editor) & R.L. Worthington (Associate Editor), Encyclopedia of Counseling, Volume 3: Cross-Cultural Counseling (pp. 1242-1243). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

    Edwards, L.M., Fehring, R., Jarrett, K., & Haglund, K. (2008). The influence of religiosity, gender, & language preference acculturation on sexual activity among Latino/a adolescents. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 30, 447-462.

    Edwards, L. M. & Pedrotti, J. T. (2008). A content and methodological review of counseling articles concerning Biracial/Multiracial issues. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 55, 411-418.

    Edwards, L. M., & Romero, A. J. (2008). Coping with discrimination: An exploration of strategies used by Mexican descent adolescents. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral          Sciences, 30, 24-39.

    Pedrotti, J. T., Edwards, L. M., & Lopez, S. J. (2008). Working with Multiracial clients in therapy: Bridging theory, research and practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39, 192-201.

    Pedrotti, J. T., Edwards, L. M., & Lopez, S. J. (2008). Promoting hope: Suggestions for school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 12, 100-107.

    Ong, A. D., & Edwards, L. M. (2008). Positive emotions and adjustment to perceived racism. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 27, 105-126.

    Knox, S., Burkard, A. W., Edwards, L. M., Smith, J. J., & Schlosser, L. Z. (2008). Supervisor self-disclosure in supervision. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 543-559.

    Lopez, S. J., & Edwards, L. M. (2008). The interface of counseling psychology and positive psychology: Assessing and promoting strengths. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Handbook of Counseling Psychology, 4th Edition (pp. 86-99). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

    Edwards, L. M., Holtz, C. A., & Green, M. B. (2007). Promoting strengths among culturally diverse youth in schools. School Psychology Forum, 2, 39-49.

    Edwards, L. M., Ong, A. D., & Lopez, S. J. (2007). Hope measurement in Mexican American youth. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 29, 225-241.

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