Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Licensure

We are currently accepting applications for the 2021-22 academic year.

Program description 

Marquette’s master's of education and teaching licensure programs are designed to help working professionals with a bachelor’s degree earn Wisconsin teaching licenses and master’s degrees OR teaching certification only. These licensure programs, based on current theory and practice, are aligned with the knowledge, skills and dispositions related to effective teaching and articulated in the Wisconsin State Teaching Standards for Licensure and Professional Development. Successful completion of one of these programs leads to licensure as a teacher in the state of Wisconsin. Students interested in licensure in another state are advised to contact the office of certification for that state early in their course of studies. For individuals with an academic background in science, technology, engineering, or math, please also see our master's of education in STEM teaching.

Like Marquette’s undergraduate teacher preparation program, these graduate certification programs prepare teachers to uphold the Jesuit traditions of care for the person, social justice, academic excellence, ethical behavior and service to the urban community. Such a commitment demands that teachers develop a deep understanding of the subjects they teach, learn to use culturally responsive and developmentally appropriate pedagogies, and integrate technology to facilitate learning for all students.

Program Outcomes

  1. Apply deep content knowledge to organize subject matter from multiple perspectives, respond to diverse abilities and backgrounds, and engage students in pedagogically powerful lessons.
  2. Analyze stages of development, ranges of diversity and interrelationships of individual and cultural differences to design instruction to meet the needs of all students.
  3. Use knowledge of multiple teaching and assessment strategies to plan, implement, and modify instruction, ensuring the learning and development of all students.
  4. Demonstrate effective communication skills to nurture supportive environment and productive relationships with families and the larger community.
  5. Reflect upon practice to identify areas for professional growth, evaluate effects of professional decisions and actions on others, and to examine schooling and society.

Students wishing to pursue post-baccalaureate certification at Marquette MUST have B.A. or B.S. degrees with majors (and at least a 2.75 GPA) in one of the following areas:

Course requirements for both the MEd and teacher certification can be found in the Graduate School bulletin. For inquiries about the course of study toward the post-baccalaureate teacher certification program, please contact Tina McNamara.

Field experience requirement

Field experiences are an important component of many of the required courses in the teacher education programs. These experiences must be “developmental in scope and sequence and occur in a variety of school settings.” (PI 34.15)

Field experiences are designed to provide students with opportunities to work with pupils from diverse ethnic, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds in Milwaukee area schools. Students will participate in beginning level (pre-professional) field experiences and advanced level (professional) field experiences. Expectations and student involvement will increase as students progress from the pre-professional to the professional program level. This will culminate with progression to the full semester student teaching experience, which occurs in the final semester. At this level, students will be required to assume full responsibility for teaching under the supervision of a highly qualified teacher.

Throughout the College of Education program courses and field experiences, students have many opportunities to reflect upon what it truly means to be an effective urban teacher. Students are challenged to critically assess issues related to diversity and social justice and to become agents of change with a moral purpose. All field placements and student teaching assignments are made in the Milwaukee area and are arranged by the Director of Student Placements and Licensure. 

Application Deadlines

PLEASE NOTE: For inquiries about the course of study toward the post-baccalaureate teacher certification program or to have a transcript analysis completed, please contact Tina McNamara.

ALL students in the post-baccalaureate teaching licensure programs begin during the FALL term. The application deadline for admission is July 15.

Apply to Marquette University's Graduate School. You will apply as a certificate (CERT) student or master of education (MED) student with a specialization in secondary education (SEED) or elementary education (ELED).

Applicants should make sure that their files are complete by the application deadline (July 15). Applicant files are reviewed comprehensively, emphasizing all aspects of applicants' backgrounds. Academic transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, statements of purpose and professional background receive particular attention in the review process. If necessary, the department faculty may request an interview before making a final decision.

You will be required to attend a mandatory orientation session after being admitted, but before your registration for classes.

If you have questions about the admissions process, please contact Tina McNamara.