Welcome to the Department of Chemistry!

The Chemistry Department at Marquette University combines research and teaching in a variety of chemical disciplines, organized into 10 research groups. The department offers B.S. degrees in Chemistry, in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (jointly with Biological Sciences), and in Chemistry for Education (secondary major). 

The department offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, where students conduct in-depth scientific research using our advanced research facilities, and emerge as independent researchers.


Bruker D8-Venture single crystal diffractometer

The Chemistry Department at Marquette University is proud to announce the addition of a new Bruker D8-Venture single crystal diffractometer to its X-ray Diffraction Facility. This state-of-the-art instrument features a strong, highly-focused X-ray beam and sensitive, shuttler-less detector, making it ideal for elucidating the structures of both synthetic compounds and biomolecules. In addition to supporting research and instructional activities on the Marquette campus, the D8-Venture will be accessible to academic and industrial partners in Southeast Wisconsin. Funds to purchase the instrument were provided by a Major Research Instrumentation grant from the National Science Foundation (CHE-2320762).