Transfer Planning Resources



An official course evaluation is completed and delivered as part of the formal transfer application process. A preliminary unofficial credit evaluation can be conducted by using Transferology.

  • Create a Transferology account at the link below (it's free).
  • Enter the school name where you plan to take or have taken a course.
  • Enter the department name of the course and select the course you have taken or plan to take. The course(s) you select will appear on the right side of your screen.
  • After you have entered all your courses, click on the green “Search for Matches” button.
  • If any "maybe" courses appear, click "Request More Information" to have your courses sent to MU Admissions and evaluated for credit.
  • Please contact the Office of Admissions at or (414) 288-7302 for assistance.


Graduation Requirements

All undergraduate students must satisfy the graduation requirements as laid out in the Undergraduate Bulletin before a bachelor’s degree is conferred. Review the requirements.



*Please note: Admission to MU is holistic, considering aspects of the student’s academic and non-academic history. Students with a felony, misdemeanor, non-academic dismissal, or suspension will be evaluated by Marquette University’s Dean of Students Office and taken into consideration before admission is granted through this agreement.